About Us

My photo
Athens, Greece
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend! I'm a wino, foodie and television junkie! I love to travel, which has helped my dependent personality grow and expand! Living in Athens currently, but missing the good ole U.S.A!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally I am returing

Well its been about 3 months, but has seemed like forever since I have blogged. I am finally back to blogging. Since we have been home, which has been since Christmas, both of our computers have managed to die. Luckily both laptops managed to hold up until we got home to the U.S., so although computers are our lifeline in Europe, we can certainly manage in Horsham without one, or two.
However, having a new computer is so much fun. I can now post picures again, go onto websites, and actually see things, unlike on my phone. And I can continue to blog, which during our season in Greece I had a blast doing.
Its been a very interesting past 3 months. Pat has been intensely rehabbing his knee. He is so dedicated to getting healthy and being an even better player than before. I love his passion and work ethic, it's quite inspiring. He has also taken on the new role as a stay at home dad which is amazing to watch their relationship grow. He was always such an amazing dad, but the close bond he now has with Jax is like nothing else. I love seeing them together, and how much Jax loves hanging out with daddy.
He became a stay at home dad, because basically as soon as we returned from Greece, I interviewed for a position at Lansdale Hospital for a new unit opening. The ortopaedic and spinal institute opened in mid January, and apparently had over a hundred applicants for only a handful of positions. Luckily they liked me and hired me the week I came home. I wasn't prepared for working full time, so i work usually 2 or 3 days a week. Its just enough and I really enjoy the work right now. I was out of nursing for just over three years, and to be honest I was a bit nervous to begin again after that time away. But it is like riding a bike, and most things came back to me right away.  I miss spending every waking moment with Jax, because 24/7 from September until December we were together.  I think everything happens for a reason. Being a working mother is a new role I'm enjoying learning, and as time goes by I think it will make our family even closer.
When I'm working I miss Jax like crazy, and Patrick, but when I am home I think I use my time wiser, and appreciate every moment more! There is nothing like coming home after a long shift, walking up the steps, and seeing Jax at the gate with that enormous smile, so excited to see me. Nothing Like It!
He loves sharing with daddy
he loves his own chair!
my sweet 1 year old
HIs first birthday...loving life

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The End...

Im sitting here, the last night in athens, fully packed feeling very sad. It has been a wonderful experience in just over the 3 months I have been here. The people are more wonderful than I could have ever imagined, which is what makes it so sad to leave. Pat and I have been so fortunate to raise Jax in such an amazing place with so many people that love him!
We began the day drinking espresso freddos and eating cream bougatsa. Most amazing breakfast ever! Pictures to come....but the camera is packed. After the delish breakfast we went to the Olympic Stadium which is actually called Panathenaic Stadium. We had been putting it off while here, because we figured we had a while, but all of a sudden time ran out. The stadium was pretty amazing to see and Jax had fun on the track!
After the stadium we went to therapy for the last time, which was another sad ending. The therapists had so much fun with Jax everyday, and Jax just adored them all. He really is going to miss them!
Last night we went out with our closest friends here in Greece. Evy, Christos, Mandy and Laz. We went to a great mexican restaurant and of course had a margarita. YUM. We spent so much time with them, and will never forget them!
The end this year in greece...but on to the next journey:)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Security blanket

While most kids have a teddy bear, or a blanket that soothes them at night, of course my child has to be difficult. My hair is his security blanket. I already had thin fine hair before Jaxson was born, and now it is broken really thin fine hair. All he wants to do is rub my hair through his fingers, and it relaxes him like nothing else. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, I just put my head near his hand, and he grabs a chunk and falls back to sleep in a second. I wonder when this habit is going to stop....

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I guess that is what you would call the meal we ate today, Lunner. This meal began at 345, and ended at 715. May I add that all three and a half hours of that time Jax was the freaking man. He was so happy, smiling, playing, trying to eat everything and just having a blast the whole time. Who is this child?Everyone that meets him loves him and tells us what a great kid he is. I always say this is not normal, but I may have to change my response to, this only happens while we are out in public. At home, he is wild. When he can't have something he wants, he has a fit. I guess I will just have to take him out more often.
Anyway, as I mentioned before, we had a long meal. It was a great meal. We went out with Pat's Greek agent Kostas and 3 of his teammates (who also have the same agent). We went to a fabulous Italian restaurant and had way more food than I could ever imagine eating. However, I just kept eating! After tons of appetizers, multiple salads came out, then the main meals, then of course desert (I mean who can turn down such deliciousness). During the meal we were sipping on wonderful champagne and after dinner drinks were a no brainer. The whole evening was perfection. Did I mention how much I love Pat's agent, he is a great guy, funny and knows great food!!
Jax with Laz and Mandy, eating a big hunk of bread

Here he is with Kyle. Jax loves him!
Eyeing up his little glass of champagne

going for it!!

NO Jax...you're too young. 

haha, hes playing with the window

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jaxson and his love for music:)

Here is Jax, listening to one of his favorite songs!


Well the past few days I have realized that our time here, in Greece, is really coming to an end, which means packing. I hate packing so much! I hate packing to leave the states to our home overseas, but I hate packing to come home even more. To start with, every year I tell myself I don't need half the things I take (mostly clothing), but while I'm packing I always over pack and take those things I don't need. While many other "basketwives" are very organized and have lists and lists for their lists, I am not like those, unfortunately. I wish I had more of an organized personality, with routines and lists, but I am just not. While it does give me a more relaxed and laid back personality (which I may have developed by being with Patrick for too long) I have come to realize I may need a bit more structure in my life.
About two and a half months ago, I was playing with Jax, while Pat was at practice and I looked around and realized the house was a mess. My house is not always the neatest. Usually toys are everywhere, clothes on the bed and not always be hanging in the closet, kitchen usually has dishes that need to be washed, etc.  So I decided then and there, that was going to stop! I was making a resolution to keep the house neat and put together at all times.  Now this is not a New Years resolution, you know the ones people make every year and never follow up on,  like dieting and going to the gym.  I never make resolutions for New Years, and usually I think they are kind of stupid. Like, why do people wait until January 1st to do the things they can do right now?!?  Anyway, my resolution started right away, putting more effort into being more organized in life, starting with the home! I wanted to always come home to a place that was calm and relaxing, not messy. I also wanted to be more organized, so I knew where everything was all the time.  I decided I would be more organized, having a "place" for everything. I was doing really well, everything was neat and clean, toys put away once Jax was finished playing, things like that. However, once Pat was injured I thought we were coming home around Thanksgiving time. So I had taken everything out of the closets, opened suitcases, packed a lot of things which I wound up needing once we decided to stay. So since that time, things have been a bit chaotic. So although there was a little hitch in my end of the year resolution, I will get back on track as soon as I get home, oh and I will make lists so our next trip to Europe I will not over pack! Stay tuned...I'll let you know how this one turns out:)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Wow I just read that according to the CDC only 22% of moms are still breastfeeding at 1 year. Kind of a crazy statistic to me! Considering I have a very adorable but stubborn boy who refused taking bottles(breatmilk or formula) I really have no choice in the matter. However, as I was feeding Jax yesterday Pat looked over at me and asked," did you ever think you would love nursing as much as you do." The question kind of took me off guard because although I knew when I was pregnant I wanted to nurse for a year, I never really thought about anything other than the health reasons. When similac came out earlier this year with a recall because of beetle eggs and other nastiness in the formula, that definitely solidified my nursing for a year! However, I also now know that I have breastfed for the past 11 months because I do love it and the bonding time I get with Jax is wonderful! Jax is a major mommas boy, but I always laugh and tell Pat that it's going to change once Jax is drinking from bottles haha. I am actually very sad to stop breastfeeding, but in another month when Jax turns 1 he is going to get gift of cows milk. And by cow I do not mean me:)Hopefully Jax will transition well!
(oh and a little disclaimer this is not a slam to formula feeding moms. I tried it with Jax, giving him a bottle of formula here and there once he turned 6 months, but one day he just didn't want a bottle! Just wanted to put that out there that this isn't about right/wrong. Just about how much I like nursing!)